Save The Bees
Having moved from NYC to the country my family and I thought it a perfect opportunity to begin to become more self sufficient. We started off by raising chickens, growing our own fruits and veggies and soon realized we could all benefit from becoming Beekeepers. We needed them to help pollinate our garden and they needed us to help increase their population. So we decided to take a Beekeeping class at Stone Barns in Westchester, NY. The course was amazing and it taught us the basics and we started our apiary along with the program. If you have been under a rock lately then you may not of heard that bees are in danger. With all the pesticides being use for weed killing, mites that feast on the bees and poor nutrition ( bees need to pollinate multiple types of flowers and many cannot in the agricultural industry) the bees have been disappearing at an alarming rate. Over 1/3 of our world's crops are dependent on bees to thrive. Just on our property alone our 75 year old apple tree has come back to life with the help of these amazing little pollinators. It was only natural to enjoy all the fruits of their labor including honey and beeswax. Through our work with Bees it was clear we also have an obligation to continue to educate ourselves and the public on what is really going on. The information is not readily available and our mission is share as much info as we can. The "Save The Bees" mission is our little way of raising attention and advocating on behalf of the Bees. We have commissioned artists to create original art that will build awareness and get people involved. They will also help you look better and smarter wearing or using our products. The sale of our products allows us to sustain and grow the Bee operation. Our hope is to raise awareness and help support local bee population.
Love and light.